Friday, March 23, 2012

Major updates


The Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare
I had tried to read this first book several times in the past and decided to buckle down and I really enjoyed it this time around. Which led to the other two in the series.
This series has it all, Shadowhunters, demons, warlocks, vampires, werewolves and alot of action. I was riveted most of the time. There is a 4th book, a 5th on the way and a 6th in the works and a prequel series to go w/it. I've got lots more reading to do before this series is over.

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffennger
She is the author of The Time Travelers Wife which was really good and this one is good too. Very different as its about two mirror twins that inherit a flat in london after their aunt dies but the aunt is still there in a ghostly state and towards the end is able to communicate w/them. It has a rather strange ending so I cant talk alot about the book but it was a good read.

The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan
This is sort of a biographical book about the authors struggle w/cancer and her dads struggle w/cancer even at the same time in parts of the book. It was interesting. Its not overly sad as most books about cancer can go and the family dynamic is really great.

 Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale
2nd book to Austenland. Charlotte Kinder is getting over her divorce by going to Pembrook Park and find menace,mystery, love and even murder. I was excited about this book and it was good. I did feel a little like it was CLUE meets Jane Austen but Shannon is a favorite of mine so I can roll w/it.

 The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy by Carrie Ryan
Bk 1
I am really excited about this series. On IMDB I saw this book was being made into a movie so I ordered it and the other two and I'm so glad cause I breezed thru them.
Its labeled a teen Post-Apocalyptic romance. The world is basically in ruins due to a zombie  infection that happened which has taken over most of the world. This book starts out w/Mary who lives in a village surrounded by the forest on one side and the unconsecrated on the other. If you're bitten by one of these unconsecrated you will turn into one of them. Mary's grown up only knowing the village but after a breach in the fencing is forced to go into the forest to survive.There's excitement, danger, love and loss! Its really really good!!!!

        Bk 2                                                                                                                              Bk 3

I dont want to talk about these cause I dont want to give anything away!!!!

This is a really good series and I didnt want it to end. Erin found a prequel but its only available to download so far. 


 Tower Heist- Pay-per-view
All star cast and pretty funny!!
Not as funny as I thought, but it was fun and had a good storyline. Eddie Murphy was my favorite. Kind of back to the old Murphy movies.

 In Time- Redbox
Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny Galecki, Cillian Murphy
This was pretty good. The concept of using time as money was interesting. I'd watch it again. 

 Restless- Redbox
Mia Wasikowska, Henry Hopper.
This was about a strange boy that crashes funerals because of some fascination w/death and meets the girl and they fall in love but she is actually dying from cancer and he has to really deal w/ death then. It was good. I like these quirky type movies if they're well done and this was.


Star Wars I, II, III - Blue Ray
We watched these one Saturday for old time sake.

 Back to Future Trilogy- Blue Ray
Dylan bought this as his last big purchase before he left. So we spent several night watching these. Brought back memories cause he's always loved these movies.
Abduction- Redbox
Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins
This was better than what I thought it would be. This teenager finds out his life isnt the truth and has to go on the run in order to stay alive. The ending was a little weak, but it was an ok watch.
 Contatgion- Redbox
Another all star casted movie. The one I like the most is Jude Law!!!
Its another flu story, wiping out millions of people and government officials and drug companies involved and people are still dying. It was pretty good!
 Courageous- Redbox
This is another Christian type movie that promotes Fatherhood and families. It was really good and even Dylan liked it.
 Jack and Jill- Redbox
LOVED THIS ONE!!!! I thought it was so funny and Adam Sandler playing Jill was hilarious. I will own this movie one day!!! A little slow in the story w/Al Pacino but overall, its great!
 Like Crazy- Redbox
Felicity Jones, Anton Yelchin
I was excited for this one cause I like Felicity(Northanger Abbey) but I knew I wouldnt spend theater money it, but it was rather disappointing. They are spoiled, selfish characters and I had to skip to the end. Typical boy meets girl, fall in love, things get to difficult so I'm going to sleep w/other people but its still all your fault that I'm unhappy, etc. etc.
 Hugo- Redbox
Jude Law, Ben Kingsly, Sasha Baron Cohen, Asa Butterfield, Emily Mortimer, Chrisopher Lee.
This movie was amazing. Good story, great visual and just really fun and interesting. It was also good seeing a movie w/ Sasha BC in it since I really dont want to see his other stuff. But I would like to own this movie as well.

Dreamhouse- Redbox
Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts
This was really good. Not too creepy and good storyline.

The Three Musketeers- Redbox
Well I didnt think this would be a great movie but it has ORLANDO BLOOM so uhm yeah....I needed to see it.
Orlando was great....absolutely gorgeous and his acting was stupendous and funny and it was really great to see him in something again.
oh, and the movie was OK!! and it also has Matthew Macfadyen of Mr. Darcy fame.



Dylan watched Malcolm in the Middle on Netflix and really liked it so I thought I'd give it a try. I loved it.....7 seasons, over 200 episodes and I wasnt ready for it to end. All the boys were so little when it started and young men when it ended. The story lines were funny, the parents were funny and always in love which I liked alot. It was good fun and I was very sad when it ended.

 How I met your mother- Netflix
I had seen this show advertised of course but never watched it and after ending Malcolm I wanted another long series to watch and decided to try this. Though some material is rather adultish, I fell in love w/it. The characters are so funny and addicting especially Barney and I was even more sad when this ended. Its still on air of course but its mid season and I dont want to start in the middle of the season. So I have to wait.

Grimm- TV
This showed up at the beginning of the fall season and it keeps going. I like it actually and hope it continues. I like the fairytale mixed in w/the evilness.

 Awake- TV
This show started in March and it has a really good premise.
He is a man in two dream like states one w/his wife, one w/his son where the other of the two are dead in the other life. I hope it continues to hold my interest.

Downton Abbey Season 2- TV PBS
This should really be at the top of my list since it is my favorite show on tv right now. Season 2 started at the end of January and is now over but it lives on inside me.
This time around there was more about war than I liked and Mary seemed so docile since last season but it was like watching a bunch of old friends every sunday and I have missed it every sunday since its finale. Now just to wait for January to roll around again for
season 3!!!


Bon Iver

I first heard Bon Iver from the New Moon soundtrack w/ Roslyn but Dylan also listened alot to them/him recently so I got interested after hearing more. He downloaded a few albums for me (what am I going to do for music w/out that kid here) and I've really enjoyed them. Plus w/dylan gone right now, It reminds me of him.

Bookclubs x3

Once again time has eluded me! So I'm going to catch up starting w/ January's Bookclub.

This was Sylvia's book and we met at Anna's house. Most were in attendance and most had read the book and liked it.
The stories of two men: Daniel H. Burnham, the architect responsible for the fair's construction, and H.H. Holmes, a serial killer masquerading as a charming doctor. Burnham's challenge was immense. In a short period of time, he was forced to overcome the death of his partner and numerous other obstacles to construct the famous "White City" around which the fair was built. His efforts to complete the project, and the fair's incredible success, are skillfully related along with entertaining appearances by such notables as Buffalo Bill Cody, Susan B. Anthony, and Thomas Edison. The activities of the sinister Dr. Holmes, who is believed to be responsible for scores of murders around the time of the fair, are equally remarkable. He devised and erected the World's Fair Hotel, complete with crematorium and gas chamber, near the fairgrounds and used the event as well as his own charismatic personality to lure victims. Combining the stories of an architect and a killer in one book, mostly in alternating chapters, seems like an odd choice but it works. The magical appeal and horrifying dark side of 19th-century Chicago are both revealed through Larson's skillful writing.
  Everyone seemed to enjoy the book and the discussion was really good. Sylvia picked a good book.

Marlys was chosen to pick February's book and she chose:
Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier
I read this book before and its in my past blogs.
From the moment she's struck by lightening as a baby, it is clear that Mary Anning is marked for greatness. On the
 windswept, fossil-strewn beaches of the English coast, she learns that she has "the eye"-and finds what no one else can see. When Mary uncovers an unusual fossilized skeleton in the cliffs near her home, she sets the religious fathers on edge, the townspeople to vicious gossip, and the scientific world alight. In an arena dominated by men, however, Mary is barred from the academic community; as a young woman with unusual interests she is suspected of sinful behavior. Nature is a threat, throwing bitter, cold storms and landslips at her. And when she falls in love, it is with an impossible man.Luckily, Mary finds an unlikely champion in prickly Elizabeth Philpot, a recent exile from London, who also loves scouring the beaches. Their relationship strikes a delicate balance between fierce loyalty, mutual appreciation, and barely suppressed envy. Ultimately, in the struggle to be recognized in the wider world, Mary and Elizabeth discover that friendship is their greatest ally. 
I wasnt able to go to this bookclub which was held at Rebecca's house but everyone seemed to enjoy it!! And as always, Rebecca's is always a fun place to meet so I was sad to miss this night.

So the March book was decided on by the group. They threw out ideas and the chosen book or books I should say, was Austenland and Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale.
 Anyone who knows me knows how much of a Hale fan I am and the funny part was I had texted Marlys that night at Rebecca's to see what the book was and had just finished Midnight in Austenland the day before. It had been released on that Tues.
So we met at Gabby's house this time and it was a good attendance and everyone had read the books. yay!! love it when that happens. Very good discussions and everyone seemed to enjoy them.
Now I personally would love to go to a place like this. To live and be in the Jane Austen world would be a dream come true for me! But alas, no place does exist so I'm stuck in my droll life!!!
After discussion, it was time to reveal the next book but Gabby didnt really know what to pick, so once again ideas got thrown out there....but I prevailed and the book for April is Very Valentine by Adriani Trigiani. So excited!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012



Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This is the 3rd in a much loved series and it was worth the wait and that's all I can say!!!

The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen
You guys know that I dont like those "Romance" novels...but once in awhile I like to read something like this. I have the other books from this author in my previous posts cause of course when I like an author, I have to read everything they've written. This was about a girl cast out of her families house and the only place she could find to live in was this gatehouse on some property owned by her dying Aunt. Of course the rugged gentleman ends up being there also and so the story goes. It was a good read.

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
I know......I've read this 1000 times....but after we saw the movie(that comes later in the update under movies), Dylan told me one night that he should just read what happens next since he wont be here when it comes out. So I jumped up, grabbed the book cause I wanted to bookmark where he should start reading when that moment came. Unfortunately....I as I'm skimming, I'm actually reading and got all caught up  and had to start from the beginning and subsequently ended up reading this AGAIN. Loved it AGAIN of course. (side note, I went and checked right now and there is no bookmark at the point where Dylan should start reading) Can anyone say CRAZY!!

Divergent by Veronice Roth

A definite MUST READ. This is my new favorite book. It has kind of a Hunger Games feel, but its a totally different story, a really good story. I dont want to talk too much about it so I dont give much away.....but I gave this book out as christmas presents so its that good.

The Death Cure by James Dashner
This is the 3rd and last in the series and it was very good. In the story he brought back some of things that happened in the 1st book and I liked that. The ending was a little weak, but I like the way he writes so he's forgiven for that. He's working on a prequel so I'm glad he's keeping the story going.

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
This is by the author of the Shiver series. It took me a bit to get into this book and parts of it are so different that it took a bit to understand those parts but when I got around all that...I couldnt put it down. The story comes from Irish folklore that she explains at the end of the book. So far it looks like its the only book but I hope she decides to write it into a series.

I have to add here that my IPOD Touch has affected my reading. I find myself laying in bed reading and then I realize that I'm playing games on my touch or facebooking or something else and then its 11:30p and I shouldve been asleep an hour ago. HELP ME!!!

Jane Eyre-DVD
Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Jamie Bell
Love this book and love Another movie version of it. So, of course I own it now!!!

Breaking Dawn pt 1-Theater
Had a really good night with this movie. Midnight show w/ a great seat and good friends. The movie was good...there were just a few parts that I didnt like. I dont think they spent as much time and money on the wolves like they did w/the past 2 movies but on the whole they did a good job. I actually saw it 4 times while it was in theaters. Cant wait for part 2 or for this one to come out on dvd.

Framed- TV- PBS
Trevor Eve,  Eve Myles.
When the National Gallery in London is flooded the Director, Quentin Lester, decides to transfer the entire collection to the Welsh caves where the collection was stored during World War II. The entire operation is supposed to be secret and the cover story is that they are a mining company looking to reopen the mines, good news to the economically depressed town nearby. It takes local school teacher, Angharad Stanner, all of a day however to learn what is really going on. She soon has the entire school at the site taking a tour but Quentin's refusal to open any of the packing crates leads to something of a falling out. Gradually, Quentin gets to know the locals, particularly the Hughes family. In the end, everyone benefits and learns from each other.
 This is actually a really cute movie. I wish I could see it again and hope to own it someday.

Brendan Frasier, Paul Bettany, Helen Mirren, Andy Serkus.
I remember the previews for this movie and thinking I might want to see this, but never did and it was actually really cute and had 3 things I like. Books, Fairytales and Brendan Frasier. hahaha!!! Now I need  to read the books.

I did watch alot more movies....but didnt keep very good track like I have in the past so I just picked the ones that stuck out for me.  I'll try to be better.


Two Brothers: The 5000 Day Project TV- BYU
 A filmmaker by the name of Rick Stevenson tracked the lives of Sam and Luke Nelson who are LDS. Its a 10 yr project and starts out when they're like 13 and 11 and ends when one returned from his mission and the other started his. Its 90mins of wonderful. So many ups and downs in the brothers relationship w/each other and when the mission starts for the one its ups and downs w/ that as well. I saw a preview for this during the conference sessions and I'm so glad that I watched it. They are awesome boys and at the end I felt like I wanted to be a part of their family. It is something everyone should see.

October BkClub in January

So, its January 2012 and I'm really behind on all my udates but here's Octobers Bookclub. We read Left to Tell by  Immaculee Ilibagiza.  We met at Sylvia's and had a great turnout since school is back in session and everyone is back from vacation. 
Immaculee grew up in a country she loved, surrounded by a family she cherished. But in 1994 her idyllic world was ripped apart as Rwanda descended into a bloody genocide. Immaculee’s family was brutally murdered during a killing spree that lasted three months and claimed the lives of nearly a million Rwandans.
    Incredibly, Immaculee survived the slaughter. For 91 days, she and seven other women huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor while hundreds of machete-wielding killers hunted for them.
    It was during those endless hours of unspeakable terror that Immaculee discovered the power of prayer, eventually shedding her fear of death and forging a profound and lasting relationship with God. She emerged from her bathroom hideout having discovered the meaning of truly unconditional love—a love so strong she was able seek out and forgive her family’s killers.
    The triumphant story of this remarkable young woman’s journey through the darkness of genocide will inspire anyone whose life has been touched by fear, suffering, and loss.
This is Immaculee’s first book.
That is the description from Amazon. Its a very heartwrenching and intense book and knowing that she is still alive helped me get through it. She had alot of strength and and would put most people to shame w/their faith in God. I really enjoyed the book as did everyone else. 
So, next bkclub was scheduled for 12/08 due to Thanksgiving being on our normal night. Sylvia picked the book which was Devil in the While City by Erik Larson. Well, 12/08 came and our leader was called out of town and very few had read the book (including me) so we postponed it til Jan. Some of us met at Time Out just to have a holiday fun.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Update II

Magicians Elephant by Kate DiCamillo. This was recommended by a friend and I loved it. It's written as a childrens book but it reads like an adult. Love the storyline and pictures are perfect.

The Secret Zoo by Bryan Chick
This book is really cute. Its geared for grade school kids and its a mystery/adventure book. Very well written and lots of fun to read.

The End of Everything by Megan Abbott
This book was ridiculous. Do not recommend at all. The storyline is of a 13yr old girl who is kidnapped. She's found towards the end of the book but then it turns out she ran away w/the old man that kidnapped her because she thought it was cool that he was in love w/her. OH MY GOSH. REalLY!!! I've read books before where I've been disappointed by the ending but this was just awful. Do not read!!!

The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen
This is the author of the Apothocary's Daughter which I liked and I really liked this one too. In fact, probably better. It's about a girl that is mistakenly accused of something and becomes indentured to this wealthy family but because of an attack on her, her throat is squashed and she cant talk. It's a romance but very interesting.

Bright Star-TV
Abbey Cornish, Ben Whishaw.
Love this movie.
The drama based on the three-year romance between 19th century poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne, which was cut short by Keats' untimely death at age 25.
Brothers Bloom-DVD

Jesse Eisneberg, Anne Hathaway.
Really a cute movie.
Lots of colors and a good storyline. Loved all the characters. 

 Gnomeo and Juliet-Netflix DVD
This was the most boring movie ever. I was really disappointed in it. Not much else to say.
I liked this poster and realized its in another language.

Into the Pride-Netflix Instant Play
This was really fun to watch. Dave Salmoni spent 6 months w/a pride of lions to try and get them adapted to people so they could stay in a tourist sanctuary. It was really interesting and fun to watch those big kitty cats and their babies.

Addicted to Love- TV
Meg Ryan, Matthew Broderick, Kelly Preston
Maggie's and Sam's former partners are in love; she wants revenge and he wants his lost love back, so they work together to break up the happy couple. I love this movie. It was fun to watch.


Would like to Welcome back the fall season. Here's a list of the returning shows that I love. (order does not specify how much I love them)
Amazing Race
The office
Vampire Diaries
Modern Family
Hawaii Five o
Biggest Loser
Big Bang Theory
Parks and Recreation
It is very nice to have a TV Schedule back. 

And here are some new ones I've started watching. Some good, some ok!!

The Secret Circle-CW Britt Robertson (from Dan in Real Life)
This has a teenage witch storyline. So far so good. Kinda ame but not enough to stop watching.

Hart of Dixie-CW Rachel Bilson
This reminds me of other shows thats been done in the past. Big city girl doctor moves to a small town and its "just so hard for her to fit in".  The first show was last week and it was very week. We'll see if it gets better.

Ringer-CW Michelle Geller,
This is pretty good so far. Twins w/one leading the others life that she thinks is dead and it has some pretty interesting things going on. Some parts can be cheesy but I want to continue to watch.

Revenge-ABC Emily Van Camp, Madeleine Stowe, Nick Wechsler,(from Roswell) and many others.
LOVE THIS!!!!! 2 shows already and it's very good. The title says what the storyline is but the characters and the storyline have been great. Cant wait for more.

Unforgettable-CBS Poppy Montgomery, Dylan Walsh
this one was good. She's a sort of detective and some strange thing where she can remember EVERYTHING that has happened to her and can kind of voodoo into scenes of crimes.